Monday, July 11, 2011

The One-Party State of Texas?

For my first article I chose “ Contemporary Party Politics: The One-Party State of Texas?”

Well, this article is not exactly a new story or commentary, but rather it is a political webpage from UT that talks about many aspects of Texas politics. I chose this particular section of it because it does discuss something that has happened in Texas in my lifetime. Believe it or not, Texas has not always been a Red State.

I am one of the 5th generation in my family raised “Texan” (Dad’s side), we trace can trace our families entry into Texas to the 1840’s or 1850’s and now have 7 generations. Unfortunately, my mom was in New York when I decided to come along so I don’t have the birth certificate but I have still been raised here. My upbringing was split between here in Austin and a small town a few hours up the road.

When I was growing up, Texas was more about agricultural and oil. This was old school rural Texas where you didn’t trust a banker as far as you could throw them and they thought about the same of businessmen. It was solid Democrats but still conservative. There is nothing as independent as a farmer but you also would not find anyone quicker to lend a helping hand when someone needed one.

Since this time I have seen the state taken over by the wave of Republicans. Big ranches that used to be working ranches got bought by people from “up north” who didn’t have a clue how to actually work them. Developments sprung up all over, suburbs grew, businesses moved in. Now, that is just the way progress works, but some of the changes that happened along with it really disturb me.

Along with the businesses came Republican businessmen. Not to say they are any less patriotic, but they don’t share many of the values I remember being “Texan”. Being somewhat isolated and surviving in this state before all the damns and lakes were built, there was a lot of helping each other and sharing. And also, even though there was a lot of pride in being Texan, everyone was also proud to be an American and patriotic.

This being said, it really pains me to have witnessed the last several years and especially to have watched the last session of the legislature. We saw our children’s education and care for the poor take a back seat to “business” and that is just not right. If a business model is sound, it should not need any help. If it will make money, somebody will do it, which is the way free enterprise works. Why do we need to give millions to someone who already has millions and then cut their taxes to boot? I’m sorry, that’s not taking care of your own, that is throwing them to the gutter.

The other disturbing thing that has been happening is the Republicans in office using Texas as a platform to agitate the Federal Government just because Obama is in office. They are setting us up for several lengthy and possibly expensive legal fights on the environment, education and many other areas. Yes, we are the State of Texas but we are also one of the United States of America.

As this blog progresses you will see some more ranting by me, and hopefully this article and a lot of the other information on the other pages will help give you a point of reference for where I am coming from.

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